Monday, May 4, 2015

Monday Meal of the Week: Breakfast Smoothie

Some mornings there isn't enough time to sit down and eat a full and hearty breakfast. When I have those mornings, I make tend to make a smoothie since I can drink it while I get ready and if needed take it with me to work. When I first started making smoothie, they didn't keep me full. I would be hungry in a hour. My secret to a filling breakfast smoothie is including some typical breakfast items. I started including greek yogurt and oatmeal in my smoothies and it was like magic.

For my favorite smoothie, you need: 

1/4 cup of Greek Yogurt
1/4 cup of frozen pineapple
1/2 cup of frozen mixed berries
1/2 of a banana 
1/3 cup of dried rolled oats. 

Put all of it in a blender with some water and blend until smooth. Enjoy! I, personally, like to have my smoothie with a cup of green tea or coffee to start the day. 

Hope you enjoy! Comment below if you make it! 

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